Members Code of Ethics

LG Professionals WA individual members are required to demonstrate the highest standards of professional conduct and ethical behaviour through interactions with other members, the Association's staff and other external stakeholders as detailed in this document.

Ethical practice demands a personal commitment to the intrinsic value and importance of high standards of professional conduct. This Code serves an invaluable purpose by providing underpinning principles, and rules that apply to individual members.

This code comprises fundamental principles (Part A) and specific rules (Parts B and C) derived from those principles. Compliance with both the fundamental principles and the rules is required of all individual members.

Compilation of this Code has been based on the requirement that an inidividual member of LG Professional WA must:

  • Recognise that the chief function of local government is to serve the best interests of the community.
  • Commit to the concepts of effective and democratic local government.
  • Demonstrate by word and action the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all stakeholder relationships, building the trust and respect of the elected members and appointed officials, employees and the public
  • Ensure fairness and impartiality govern an individual member's decisions.
  • Not leverage their position for personal gain or benefit
  • Avoid conflicts of interest and act upon them according to reporting procedures
  • Refrain from all political activities which may undermine public confidence in professional administrators
Click on the image below to download and read the individual Members Code of Ethics