
Local Government Professionals Australia WA is the peak representative body and leading voice for local government professionals in Western Australia.
We are committed to helping local government professionals reach their potential and advance their careers. With over 800 individual Members, LG Professionals WA is a community of professionals working to shape the local government sector.

We ensure that your professional interests are represented by a respected and independent voice. LG Professionals WA provides a range of services to support our members, including: 
Advocacy, Representation and Policy Development;
Professional Development, Conferences and Events.
Member and Peer Support
Regular Information and News Updates
Awards & Recognition

An LG Professionals WA Membership is a career gamechanger. It expands your professional networks, accelerates leadership capability and keeps you at the forefront of industry happenings. Involvement in a branch / network brings a continued source of inspiration and enables you to create value not only within your own organisation, but contribute to greater outcomes state-wide.” Jude Thomas MLGP, Director, Place and Community, City of Mandurah.

About LG Professionals WA
LG Professionals WA is a not-for-profit association and our membership fees and revenue are re-invested in programs and services to support our members and the local government sector. LG Professionals WA provides quality professional development for people working in local government to support them in their work, to progress their careers and to help them develop strong professional networks.

We are committed to continuing improvement in local government leadership, governance, management and service delivery for local communities, and ensuring that our members are at the forefront of change and innovation.  

It’s our job to help you succeed in your career.

Membership Brochure

Membership Application  

I believe LG Professionals WA is a dynamic peak body, genuinely passionate about the myriad of opportunities that embody local government and their interconnections, and which embraces input from officers of all levels. Being a member has enabled me to be kept informed about the latest best practices and development in the sector. Sharing of information with peers has provided me with information and examples to draw from in the development of programs, events and services. My career has developed through my membership in many ways including opportunities to attend training, programs, and working groups that have significantly shifted both my strategic thinking and my knowledge base. I have also experienced professional growth allowing me to forge meaningful connections with peers across various local governments which has led to great opportunities such as representation at events and collaborative projects.” Pauline Wark, Place Activation Officer, City of Joondalup

Why join?

LG Professionals WA Membership gives our members a voice on issues that matter to them and an opportunity to be part of the solution. LG Professionals WA Members can participate in professional development activities at significantly discounted rates, acquire specialist advice and resources and access a professional community that will support them throughout their career in Local Government. Being an active part of your professional association will help you advance your career. 

Join Now!

Who should join?
If you work in Local Government, in Western Australia and are interested in helping to shape the sector, furthering your career, growing your professional networks and being recognised for your contribution to the sector, LG Professionals WA can help you achieve this.
Anyone working in local government, or working closely with local government is eligible and welcome to join.